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If this is the first time feeding your dog Pup Chef it is advised to mix 1/2 of your previous food with our meals for 1-2 days.
Gradually reduce the amount of their original food over 3-4 days. This prevents the possibility of an ‘unhappy tummy’ and allows your dog to comfortably adapt to their healthier Pup Chef diet.
Our serving suggestions are based on the principle of feeding dogs two meals per day.
‘Sharing is caring’:
You can split half a 350g meal between two Toy-Small sized dogs.
You can split half a 450g meal between two Small-Medium sized dogs.
If you are struggling with freezer space, you can store 4-6 meals into your fridge and allow them to thaw over a number of days (depending on the temperature of your fridge). Additionally you can leave meals out overnight at room temperature to defrost for the following day. Our meals are frozen at -15°C. They can stay at a frozen state for up to 5 hours, at room temperature, before they begin to thaw.
Our 100% Pure Beef Biltong is a great protein booster for your pup.
CBD oil can assist with anxiety and can be applied topically to assist with the healing process of hotspots or similar kinds of superficial lesions.